Books from Biddy and Bear

There's just nothing better than a beautiful book, in my opinion. Except maybe some beautiful harem leggings ...

Well, now you can choose from a carefully curated selection of books right here. They're available to purchase on their own, or you can bundle them up with some delicious kids' clothing. How about some train harem pants and a train book? Or a sticker book to keep a new big brother or sister occupied while mum and dad look after the new baby?

The best bit? You automatically get 25% off the RRP of any book if you purchase it alongside any clothing item or reusable wipes 

I love Usborne* books - we've had many titles for years and years and they've really stood up to my kids' rough treatment, plus the messaging and representation is brilliant. If you have a particular favourite - please get in touch and I'll see about adding it to my stock list! 


*please note, this is an MLM free zone, so don't worry - I won't be trying to recruit anyone :-)